The Village Hall is a registered Charity formed for the benefit of residents of Clavering and the surrounding district. The Council of Management has a policy of maintaining the Hall to a high standard for the enjoyment of all users and the following conditions are intended to ensure that this is achieved.
Use of the Hall is restricted to times specified in the Booking Request & Confirmation Form. This must cover setting up and clearing away. The Hall is closed between lettings.
The key to the Hall is secured in a key safe beside the main door. The current code to the key safe will be provided to you by email before the commencement of hire. Enter the combination code to open the box and release the key; please then close and lock the empty key safe. After use, please ensure that the building is fully locked, then return the key to the key safe and ensure the safe is securely locked after use. Please do not disclose the key safe combination to others.
Please note that a charge of 50% of the hire charge will be made if the function is cancelled with less than two weeks’ notice being given to the Booking Secretary.
If your booking is for more than 50 people or you intend to serve alcohol, we require a £250 deposit at least six weeks before the function. Deposits are payable by BACS and will be refunded in full within 28 days if the Booking Terms and Conditions have been complied with. If there is any damage to the Hall, its fixtures, fittings or if extra cleaning or waste removal is required, then an appropriate deduction from the deposit will be made.
The Council of Management reserves the right to cancel any hire at any stage if there is a clear breach of the Booking Terms and Conditions as detailed in this document. The Council of Management will also not be responsible for any expenditure or loss incurred because of cancellation.
Please clear up any spillages immediately with a damp mop.
The use of the tables and chairs is included within the hire charge.
Please open/close all curtains using the cording sets, where provided.
Please do not access the stage, nor open/close the stage curtains, unless this area has specifically been agreed within your hire. If you have good reason to open the stage curtains, it is essential that this is NOT done by hand. Access the stage via the back of the Hall and turn the winder which is situated on the left-hand side of the curtains facing outwards into the Hall.
To switch on the heating, you simply need to push the button behind the stage on the back wall. If you press it once you get 1 hour of heat. You can press repeatedly for up to 4 hours of heat and the 5th press will turn it off again. Blue lights clearly indicate progress through this process. The temperature cannot be adjusted from inside the Hall, it is simply off or on. If necessary, it is your responsibility to let yourself in a little early and turn it on to heat up. The heating will not come on past midnight.
Sweepers, mops, and other cleaning equipment can be found in the storage room behind the stage. We are a charity organisation, please ensure you leave all cleaning apparatus and materials on site.​
Please clear away all decorations, burst balloons, unwanted food, paper tablecloths, napkins, cups, and plates – following the instructions in the next section headed “Disposal of Waste”.
Remove all catering equipment, glasses, unused food, and drink.
If used, wash up and put away the Village Hall crockery, cutlery and glassware
Fold the tables and stack them, face-to-face, back in the store beside the stage (the location of the store, if facing the stage, is on the right hand side); note that there is a tool on the wall next to the folding tables for use to open and close the legs. If used, the older wooden tables should be returned to the shed.
Using the chair trolley provided, stack the chairs ten high under the windows in the Committee Room, (opposite side of Hall from Bar) but not in front of the wall cupboards.
Sweep the Hall floor and mop the kitchen floor; any rubbish in the carpeted areas should be removed so that the cleaner can vacuum them.
Turn out all lights (including the toilet lights and outside light – switch at front door).
Empty the fridge of any food/drinks belonging to your party.
We encourage users please to take home any waste. If the trade waste bin is full, all waste must be taken home. If using the kitchen bin, please ensure that a liner is first inserted and that the bin is left clean and empty at the end of your hire.
If waste is being left this must be deposited in the large trade waste bin which is located at the rear of the village hall.
No waste may be left anywhere else. A cleaning/clear up charge of £50 will be applied if waste is left or is overflowing from the bin.
Any jumble left over from jumble sales must not be disposed of in this bin. All unsold items must be removed at the end of the booking
Please do not staple or sellotape decorations onto any part of the Hall or the furniture. If required, older wooden trestle tables may be accessed, onto which decorations may be attached – please contact the Booking Secretary / Caretaker.
The use of the kitchen is included in the hire charge - this includes all crockery, cutlery and glassware.
To operate the Cooker: Turn on power at the large wall switch. An instruction booklet for the cooker is located in the wall cupboard directly opposite the cooker. Please return this after use. To operate rings just turn on. To use oven, it is necessary to start the clock, but it is not necessary to set to the correct time. To start clock, depress both left-hand buttons simultaneously and turn right-hand button – clock should then give a reading and auto oven signal should disappear.
Hirers are required to provide their own teacloths and washing up cloths, chopping boards and kitchen/carving knives (even if using the Village Hall crockery, cutlery and glassware) as such items are not provided in the Hall.
If used, wash up and put away the Village Hall crockery, cutlery and glassware.
Please mop the Kitchen floor after use.
The kitchen bin must be left empty and clean; it must only be used with a bin liner.
An induction loop system to assist people with hearing loss is fitted in the main Hall (the loop does not extend to the bar area).
Wheelchair access is available via the front door entrance. There are two Blue Badge parking spots near the front door.
An accessible toilet facility for disabled people is available to the right of the front door entrance.
No dogs except guide dogs and licensed assistance dogs are permitted in the Hall.
The Council of Management welcomes the opportunity to hire the Hall to organisations and individuals where the main users will be children. The following advice is offered with a view to ensuring that due regard to Health and Safety regulations is given by the adult supervisors and to avoid unnecessary damage to the fabric and furnishings of the Hall.
Children are NOT to be allowed to play on the Stage (unless taking part in an entertainment etc).
There have been several instances when the curtains on the side and back wall of the stage and their supports have been damaged – clearly as a result of children swinging or climbing on them. Please make sure that the children do not obtain access to the stage via the back of the Hall and play there.
Children are NOT to be allowed in the Kitchen unsupervised.
Please ensure that party food and drink is NOT consumed in the carpeted areas. These areas have to be professionally cleaned at considerable expense.
To ensure the safety of small children you may be required by the provisions of the Children’s Act to keep both front and back doors locked while children are present. There is a bell at the front door for use by late arrivals and approved visitors.
The glass in the interior folding doors is toughened and reinforced with wire mesh. Nevertheless, it will crack if hit hard enough; it is expensive to replace.
Playing ball games inside the Hall is discouraged, but if played must be supervised so as to avoid the risk of damage to the Hall, particularly the light fittings.
Crayoning, painting, eating snacks or drinking in the carpeted areas is NOT permitted, unless a floor covering is used to protect the carpet tiles, and this is carefully removed and shaken outside the Hall; nor may the round tables in the Bar be used for crayoning or painting.
In the case of prior agreement for storage within the Hall, all equipment left in the Hall on a permanent basis by organisations must be stored under the stage (via the rear access), in the chair store or in the cupboards allocated to you; very large items MAY be left on the side of the stage but must not impede access to the stage by other hirers.
The use of bouncy castles in the Hall is at the risk of the person hiring the Hall and those permitting their children to use it. We take no responsibility for accidents that may occur from the use of such or similar equipment. We suggest you discuss insurance with the bouncy castle company.
To ensure the safety of people attending discos, private parties and weddings, and the avoidance of damage to the Village Hall, the Council of Management has agreed the following additional conditions for the hire of the Hall for these functions:
Admission to all functions to be by printed ticket or invitation only. No admission in any other circumstances.
The sale or supply of alcohol is only permitted if sanctioned by the Council of Management – see Section 11 below.
Hirers must ensure that the noise emanating from the Hall is not such as will give rise to annoyance to residents. In particular, the emergency exit doors to the car park must remain closed during the function. Any bands or disco must cease to play by 11.30pm so that the hirers’ responsibilities regarding clearing up (set out below) can be completed for the event to finish by 12 midnight and all vehicles are able to leave the car park quickly and quietly.
The Council of Management accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any loss of or damage to property or for any personal injury suffered by anyone using the Hall and its surrounding area during any period of the function.
The Hall must be vacated at the time specified in the booking form, by which time clearing up responsibilities must have been completed.
It is the intention of Council of Management to comply with all Health and Safety legislation and to act positively where it can reasonably do so to prevent injury, ill health or any danger arising from its activities and operations.
Employees, hirers and visitors are expected to recognise that there is a duty on them to comply with the practices set out by the Council of Management, with all safety requirements set out in this hiring agreement and with safety notices on the premises and to accept responsibility to do everything they can to prevent injury to themselves or others.
Hirers are responsible for carrying out and documenting their own risk assessment, which may be required to be submitted to the Council of Management.
The Council of Management has carried out Risk Assessments. The following practices must be followed by all hirers and visitors in order to minimise risks:
Make sure that all emergency exit doors are clear as soon as the Hall is to be used and throughout the hiring.
Do not operate or touch any electrical equipment where there are signs of damage, exposure of components or water penetration etc.
Do not work on steps, ladders or at height until they are properly secured and another person is present.
Do not leave portable electrical or gas appliances operating while unattended.
Do not bring onto the property any portable electrical appliances which have not been Appliance Tested.
Do not attempt to move heavy or bulky items manually (e.g. stacked tables or chairs) - use the trolley provided.
Do not attempt to carry or tip a water boiler when it contains hot water. Leave it to cool.
Do not allow children in the kitchen except under close supervision (e.g. for supervised cookery lessons or, in the case of older children, for supervised serving of food at functions). Avoid over-crowding in the kitchen and do not allow running.
Do wear suitable protective clothing when handling cleaning or other toxic materials.
Please report any evidence of damage or faults to electrical equipment or to the fabric of the building to the Booking Secretary.
In the event of a fire, the person in charge of the hall or function must instruct all persons to leave the building, using the nearest available exits.
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Attendees should ensure that once the Hall has been evacuated, members of the public do not re-enter the building to collect personal belongings, etc.
On the arrival of the Fire Brigade, the person in charge of the Hall must report to the Officer in Charge whether all persons are accounted for and the last known position of anyone missing.
Attendees should only attempt to extinguish the outbreak using the fire appliances provided if it is considered safe to do so.
The location of the nearest hospital Accident & Emergency/Casualty Dept is:
Princess Alexandra Hospital, Hamstel Rd, Harlow, CM20 1QX. Tel: 01279 445555 -
The location and telephone no. of the nearest doctor’s surgery is:
Frambury Lane, Newport, Saffron Walden, CB11 3PY. Tel.01799 540570
The First Aid Box is located in the Kitchen.
The accident book forms are located near the First Aid Box. This must be completed whenever an accident occurs.
Any accident must be reported to the Booking Secretary.
The Council of Management of Clavering Village Hall has successfully applied for a variation to its existing Premises Licence that in certain circumstances enables the Committee to grant a licence to hirers for the sale or supply of alcohol.
The concession was granted on the basis that the four guiding principles of the Licensing Act 2003 are strictly adhered to. These are:
The Prevention of Crime & Disorder
Public Safety
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
The Protection of Children from Harm
All hirers must therefore ensure that their event complies fully with the Hall’s Premises Licence by operating within the permitted hours, the avoidance of any noise or other disturbance to residents, the prevention of drunkenness on the premises, and the prevention of under-age drinking. Events are to finish by midnight; attendees and organisers must quietly pack up and leave the car park without disturbing our neighbours.
Failure to comply with the rules could lead to a heavy fine for the hirers and the Hall’s Premises Licence being revoked.
The Council of Management may also inspect the premises at any time and reserves the right to refuse or cancel a booking, or close a function, if it considers it to be detrimental to the Hall or if conditions are not being adhered to.
If you wish to sell or supply alcohol at your function, agreement must be obtained from the Council of Management via the Booking Secretary. The application will only be sanctioned if it is in accordance with one of the following options:
The Council of Management strongly believes that an event that proposes to sell alcohol should employ professional bar staff who hold a Personal Licence. We recommend Newport’s Village Stores Bar Service for a professional bar serving drinks at a sensible price. Please contact Andy Mays or Alan Carr on 07830 186704 or 07817 713806 for more information.
If you wish to engage another caterer, please ask for copies of their Personal Licences and forward them to us with your booking application.
There are very limited circumstances in which the licence permits the running of a bar outside options 1 and 2 above. A Trustee of Clavering Village Hall must be present at the event in order for the Clavering Village Hall licence to be valid and this must be arranged well in advance in order to ensure availability of an appropriate person. We strongly recommend using Newport’s Village Stores for the provision of drinks and beverages; if not using Newport Stores' staff personal licence the hirer may have to apply for their own temporary licence.
A hire for an event that involves people bringing their own alcohol or where drinks are free does not require a licence. However, the hirer will be deemed to be responsible throughout the function and will be required to comply fully with the above guiding four principles.
Anyone serving alcohol must be at least 18 years of age.
The Premises Licence does not extend to Sundays, therefore any organisation or individual wishing to sell alcohol on a Sunday must, after prior agreement with the Booking Secretary, apply for a Temporary Event Notice (TENS) under the Licensing Act 2003 with Uttlesford District Council.
Only 12 TENS are permitted at the premises each year, extending over a period of 15 days – hence the need for consultation with the Booking Secretary.
By Order of the Council of Management of Clavering Village Hall
We highly recommend you take a copy of these terms and conditions with you to the Hall to ensure you are adhering to the Booking Terms and Conditions. This document is the best reference to facilitate a smooth-running event.
Please contact the Booking Secretary at with any questions, at least 24 hours prior to your event.