Jubilee Field
Clavering Jubilee Field is a wonderful open space situated on Hill Green behind the village hall. It is a diverse amenity area, which was purchased by the residents of Clavering and is now held in trust on behalf of the villagers for recreation, sport and exercise.
The field comprises of:
A 3.5 acre playing field
Childrens playground
Simon's Wood and nature trail
The Bowls Club - Contact claveringbowls@gmail.com
Regular users of the Jubilee Field include Clavering Foxes football team, bootcamps and many local families and individuals.
To find out more about supporting this fantastic village charity please click here.
Field Hire
Jubilee Field is run separately from the village hall. Although it is a public space we are able to hire it for use, although this is non-exclusive and access to the public needs to be maintained.
Our hire charges are:
£200/ day, £100/ half day – commercial use
£1/ attendee/ hour - regular bookings and classes
Weddings POA
Community use POA
We always welcome new clubs, teams and organisations would wold like to play or use the field.
Please contact claveringjubileefield@gmail.com for booking.
Regular Bookings
9.15am - Norse bootcamp
5.30-8.30pm - Beavers and Cubs
10am - Norse Bootcamp
Clavering Foxes Football
Chair - Donna Duckworth - claveringjubileefield@gmail.com
Secretary – VACANT -please contact if interested- claveringjubileefield@gmail.com
Treasurer – Jon Dixon - claveringjubileefield@gmail.com